Dagens Spørsmål & Svar-sesjon kommer til oss med høflighet av SuperUser-en underavdeling av Stack Exchange, en fellesskapsdrevet gruppering av Q & A-nettsteder.
Skjermbilde høflighet av Arik (Flickr).
SuperUser leser BattlFrog vil vite om Windows-cachen beholder en kopi når du kopierer filer mellom to USB-minnepinner:
I plugged two USB flash drives into my Windows 7 laptop and copied a file straight from one flash drive to the other. Would my laptop’s operating system also have a copy of that file on it somewhere by chance?
Holder Windows-hurtigbufferen en kopi når du kopierer filer mellom to USB-minnepinner?
SuperUser-bidragsytere EEAA og Abraxas har svaret for oss. Først opp, EEAA:
No, it would not. Parts of the file may be cached in memory, but extracting those parts and sorting out which parts are missing would be either incredibly difficult or impossible.
Etterfulgt av svaret fra Abraxas:
I think it should go without saying, but it is perhaps worth noting that even if parts of those files are in memory, they will not stay there permanently. Things like rebooting the computer or having a high utilization of memory occurring will cause those pieces to disappear relatively quickly.
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