Monter en laser på teleskopet ditt for enkel justering
I saw your entry about the camera lens red-dot scope. Last summer I made a telescope mount for a green laser pointer in order to make it easier to align my telescope. If you think the field of view is small on a 500mm camera lens, you should see it on a sizable backyard ‘scope! I followed this tutorial with a few modifications to fit the particular laser pointer I had. As always, be safe when using lasers and (because of the risk to planes) use it as briefly as possible and in clear air space.
Vi har en grønn laserpeker … nå trenger vi bare et teleskop som er kul nok til å montere det på. Takk for at du delte!
Synkroniser skrivebordet med Dropbox
Similar to the suggestion above to use Dropbox as your “My Documents” location, I use a “Desktop” folder in my Dropbox as the desktop display, synced across all my computers.
All the time, my friends and family tell me my computer’s desktop is “so messy.” That’s not true. It is organized, but usually has a lot of stuff on it. When working, I use my computer desktop, as an actual desktop… The things I am currently using and/or working on are right there and easy for me to use. That is actually the point of the desktop, right?
I don’t always work from one physical location, so it is a bit of a chore to make sure I have transferred files to a location (such as USB drive or FTP site) so I can access them later. As well, should I really need to pull out my laptop to grab a single.php file or.psd? I don’t think so.
Using Dropbox as my desktop allows everything I am working on to be available everywhere I work, without even thinking about it.
Ta en titt på hans fullstendige guide for å komme i gang med skrivebordssynkronisering.
Konverter dine tenneklipp til andre formater
Great piece! Evernote is indeed a very nice tool and can be very useful in many situations.
Also just want to share something I discovered recently. There is a free online tool which you can use to upload your Kindle “my clippings” directly to Evernote. You can also convert your clippings to others like Word or PDF, just in case you prefer those format more. Hope you can find this tip useful.
Hvis du har utklipp i din tenne som du vil innlemme i Evernote-arkivet / arbeidsflyten, er dette et veldig håndteringsverktøy. Takk Alejandro!
Har du et smart tips å dele? Skyt oss en epost på [email protected]!