Øk Wi-Fi med reflektor
Angie skriver inn med følgende tips:
I saw the Ask HTG earlier this week about boosting Wi-Fi. I dunno if the guy has access to the router in question, but I built these simple foil parabolic boosters and it worked awesome. They take about 10-20 minutes to build.
Takk Angie! Hvis du får tilgang til Wi-Fi-ruteren, bruker du en booster til å lede signalet til hvor du er, er det en god løsning.
Hold din tenne bibliotek lån ubestemt
I started checking out books from my library using the tips you shared in your article on the subject. You know what I found out by accident? You can keep the books as long as you want! I have a habit of turning off my wireless when I’m not using it and it turns out that if the Kindle is offline, the books don’t expire. According to my Kindle account they expired, according to the library account I “checked them in”, but they’re still on my Kindle.
Obviously, I’ll have to turn my Kindle wireless on at some point, but if you’re reading a book and you really don’t want to “lose” it, you can just turn the wireless off and keep reading it!
Vi er glade for at du sjekket for å se at boken var "sjekket inn", fordi det ville helt ødelegge hele det digitale utlånssystemet dersom alle perma-sjekket ut populære titler. Med det rydde opp, snublet du på et ganske smart trick!
Bruk puls for gratis søkeordbasert bakgrunn
I like fresh wallpapers but I don’t like spending forever finding them. I started using Pulse, it’s a free app that searches about a half dozen wallpaper sites via the keywords you specify. So you can plug in “flowers” or “blueprints” or “games” and it’ll serve up wallpaper based on those keywords. It’s not a perfect system but it works pretty well.
Takk, det! Vi handler om å oppdage nytt tapet og holde ting friskt.
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